North Saanich 2022 McDonald Park Road Multi-Use Path (MUP)

Project Highlights
The District of North Saanich requested design and construction of a multi-use path to help meet its active transportation goals on the west side of McDonald Park Road from Mills Road northerly to Glamorgan Road and connect existing multi-use routes.
The District of North Saanich is located at the north end of the Saanich Peninsula and includes both the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal and the Victoria International Airport. The District surrounds the Town of Sidney on three sides and is known for its rural feel.
Constructing a multi-use pathway along McDonald Park Road meant that the existing ditch and driveway culverts needed to be replaced with a box culvert to meet the District’s design criteria for future storm events accounting for climate change. The existing ditch along MacDonald Park Road was identified in the District of North Saanich Drainage Master Plan as under capacity and at risk of flooding, which was experienced in November 2021.
The project required coordination with the Town of Sydney due to the proximity of the municipal boundary and future streetscape improvements including letdowns and crosswalks. Challenges during construction included utility conflicts with gas mains and unknown service connections, contaminated soils, and tie-ins to existing cast-in-place manholes. Surface drainage features along several commercial properties fronting McDonald Park Road were impacted resulting in the need for area drains and lawn basins.
Key Contact(s)
Elizabeth Lau Senior Municipal Engineer, Project Manager