Gwa’sala- ‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations Subdivision Feasibility Study

Project Highlights
Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations are currently assessing future development options to address the need for additional member housing and mitigate vulnerability due to sea-level rise and coastal flood risks within their Tsulquate 4 community. KWL was retained to prepare a subdivision feasibility study to assess the viability of developing on the higher lands to the north of the existing community. The scope of work for the study included the development of subdivision options for both single and multi-family housing and assessment of the condition and capacity of the existing water and sanitary sewer systems that currently provide service to the Nations.
Key Contact(s)
Mike Dickens Vice President
Joe Nobrega Senior Design Technologist
Mike Miller Project Engineer
Colleen O’Toole Project Manager
Sam Eichenberger Project Engineer