Infrastructure Study for Regional District Okanagan-Similkameen’s Area D-1 OCP

Project Highlights
Beginning in 2014, Kerr Wood Leidal (as a sub-consultant to EcoPlan International Inc.) created an Infrastructure Strategy as part of the Official Community Plan (OCP) for the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen’s Electoral Area “D-1” (Kaleden-Apex).
The purpose of the Infrastructure Study was to better understand each small community water, sewer and drainage system, including current operations and usage, capacity for growth, and the ability and willingness of each purveyor to service potential growth. Purveyor interviews were an important part of this study. An inventory of existing water and sewer systems was prepared, along with system overviews. Groundwater capacity was also evaluated in parallel.
The ability to service growth is very dependent on local factors, such as water availability, which was a key theme raised throughout the OCP process. The results of this study allowed the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen to further understand the potential impacts that increasing density may have on existing utility service providers, and ultimately inform refinements to land use designations in the OCP.