University of British Columbia District Energy System

Project Highlights
KWL was the prime consultant for the detailed design and construction support of the UBC steam-to-hot-water conversion project (2011-2017), which is the largest project of its kind in North America. KWL’s scope included over 13 km of underground Distribution Piping System (DPS) in many phases and over 35 energy transfer stations (ETS). The scope also included heat recovery from the Bioenergy Research Demonstration Facility Combined Heat and Power system, and a temporary steam-to-hot-water plant. KWL completed a hydraulic analysis/energy balance for the entire UBC campus to include a full looped system design and other various DES concept evaluations to optimize the system. KWL was also involved in the civil design to serve the UBC peaking plant.
Key Contact(s)
Ayman Fahmy Energy Sector Leader